Devin Lockett Life Coach
Visionary Entrepreneur and Life Coach
Devin Lockett
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Devin Lockett Life Coach

Devin Lockett

Life Coach

Life Coaching

As a life coach, Devin Lockett is committed to helping his clients live their best lives. Devin Lockett considers it his mission to empower his clients to take control of their lives. This is often a gradual process, with many milestones and rewards. Devin Lockett makes it easier for you to understand your “touch stones”. Not only understanding what you want, but also understanding the reasons why you want what you want.

With many years of experience as a holistic health practitioner, Devin Lockett uses an approach that aligns the mind, body, and spirit. With practical dietary and exercise advice, combined with philosophical insight and consciousness expansion, Devin Lockett provides you with the resources you need to create the life that you desire.

Psychotherapy helps one handle the issues one may have, and traumas of things that may have occurred in one’s past. Mindfulness is the practice of learning to live in the present moment. Logotherapy addresses the practical steps in building the life one desires. Devin Lockett uses an approach that helps clients develop positive habits that become incorporated in your being. This system maximizes the client’s personal and professional potential.

The average coaching schedule takes place in weekly, one-hour sessions. Custom training schedules are also available.

Regular life coaching sessions start at $150.00 per one-hour session. There is a sliding scale for clients who are willing to participate in sessions that are podcast on one of Devin Lockett’s YouTube channels. All participants relinquish all rights to privacy.

Devin Lockett Life Coach

Live Video

Whenever Devin is live on YouTube or another platform, it will be displayed on one of the screens below. Potential life coaching clients are encouraged to subscribe to the channels listed below, and hit the bell for notification of new videos. Devin Lockett conducts live life coaching sessions on YouTube for sliding scale clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Life Coaching

A life coach is someone who provides counseling and encouragement concerning personal and/or career objectives. A life coach helps a client establish simple steps to help reach their goals. A life coach can help clients in many aspects of life.
Personal life coaching sessions can range from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per session, depending on the level of expertise and reputation of the coach. Devin Lockett’s coaching sessions are reasonably priced at $150.00 per one-hour session. A sliding scale is available for those willing to appear on one of the Devin Lockett YouTube channels.
Psychotherapy seeks to address behavioral patterns and their root causes in the life history of the client or patient. Analyzing the client’s past is an effective way to understand present behaviors. Mindfulness seeks to assist the client in being in the here and now. Logotherapy, or life coaching, seeks to identify and describe current problematic behaviors so that the client can work to modify them. This is a future-oriented, forward-looking approach toward building the ideal life for the client.
There is no official education or training for becoming a life coach. However, competent life coaches often have a background in psychology, mental health, wellness, and/or business. Devin Lockett has a background in mental health, wellness, and business that spans nearly a half century.
For Devin Lockett, life coaching sessions last one hour. Many life coaches provide coaching sessions that last only thirty minutes. This is due to the limited attention span of most clients, combined with the energy levels associated with planning one’s ideal lifestyle.
Peak Performance Life Coaching is the specialty of helping individuals obtain maximum levels of performance in their personal and professional endeavors. Devin Lockett has developed a protocol that helps clients get the most out of their mind and body.
This protocol works to help the client attain a state of alignment between the mind, body, and spirit. Gradual lifestyle changes and new habits are introduced until new states of alignment are achieved. Clients find a new ability to clearly identify objectives as well as obstacles, and to overcome those obstacles.
Part of a successful life coaching protocol involves logotherapy, or life planning. Logotherapy has proven effective in alleviating situational stress associated with anxiety about the future.
An experienced life coach can give an outside sense of perspective that can help a client through tough relationship issues. Although wisdom and life experience play an important part of this process, there are definite considerations that must be addressed in order to effectively address relationship issues from a position of growth.
A competent and compassionate life coach can help a client establish the building blocks of self-efficacy and self-worth, which are the basis for healthy self-esteem. Devin Lockett introduces a philosophical approach that is instrumental in helping clients attain and maintain high levels of self-esteem.
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Devin Lockett Life Coaching Client

"Devin has helped me tremendously with overcoming my fears and defining the life that I desire. He gave me solid steps that were easy to follow. These steps lead me straight into my dream career, and then my dream relationship. Devin is the real deal!"

- Lisa Ross

Devin Lockett Life Coaching Client

"Devin is the best professional coach I have come across. His no-nonsense approach and honesty kept me on track towards my goals. I actually got more than I bargained for, with business, relationship, and holistic wellness coaching. I'm now making 3 times what I was making before I began with Devin's coaching. Highly reccomended!"

- Brian Meyers

Devin Lockett Life Coaching Client

"Devin helped me to understand who I really am. His advice on spirituality helped me find a sense of centeredness and inner peace. After making the reccomended changes to my diet, exercise and sleeping habits, I feel better than I ever expected I would feel. I don't know how I could ever repay him."

- Christina Taylor

Get in touch





Contact Devin Lockett

8306 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 777
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: (424) 204-2382


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